Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The project in short
Perception of architectural space

The theme for my graduation project is driven first by the fascination of the role that human perception and phenomenological experience plays in architecture and second by the curiosity about the public web in the urban structure, the city life.

In short to describe what the project will be about I would like to statement that I understand the public network along with the interaction in it as the city life. If we look at public buildings we might say that public buildings express the society, the common public life. There from rises the general question ‘how build material can express?’ and more related to the theme of the public ‘How do we perceive a public building as being public and when do we experiencing pleasure as well as feeling invited?’ These question leads to phenomenology and from its discourse I would like to build up the design arguments for a public building supposedly related to cultural as a fine art.

Focus in Sao Paulo

Based on its enormous diversity, complexity, history and cultural richness the city of Sao Paulo offers a fascinating frame for a thesis project that has the concern about publicness and the interdependence of public and representation. This in mind I chose Sao Paulo as the context of the design project.

With the focus on publicness I would like to walk through the defined strip of Sao Paulo looking for public spaces. Defining public spaces as the places where strangers meet I would like to study the conditions of these particular public places asking ‘What turns them into what they are?’ with a particular view on public buildings and its particular use as well as its respond to its environment. With the result I will define a potential location for the design object of the graduation project.

As a method the walk will be tracked by GPS and documented by photography with particular focus on the transition/entrance from the street to the inside of public buildings.

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